College Representatives

The 49er Rebound Committee is comprised of interdisciplinary professionals from across UNC-Charlotte. We have representatives from each college who can help students enroll in the 49er Rebound program and answer advising questions.

Erica Andrews
Assistant Dean for Advising & Assessment
College of Arts + Architecture
Kevin Bailey
Academic Advisor
College of Education
Alysen Beaty
Assistant Director for Student Success & Academic Advisor
University College
Colvard North 2218
Cricket Bonnetaud
Director of Transition Advising
William States Lee College of Engineering
Candice Crim
Academic Advisor
College of Computing and Informatics
George Dellinger
Academic Advisor
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
DeJanae Hayes
Assistant Director
College of Health and Human Services
Courtney Hill
Associate Director for Student Success
University Center for Academic Excellence
Mallory Jagodzinski
Assistant Director of Academic & Career Coaching
Belk College of Business
Robin McNeill
Transfer Academic Advisor
University College
Jahtoya Means
Assistant Director
Office of Academic Diversity and Inclusion
Debbie Smith
Associate Director and Director of Advising
Office of Adult Students and Evening Services